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+ 91 9818838774
Mechanical Extensometer

मैकेनिकल एक्सटेन्सोमीटर

उत्पाद विवरण:


उत्पाद वर्णन

Mechanical Extensometer

Owing to the expertise in this domain, we are offering excellent quality Mechanical Extensometer that is used in different industries. Provided machines are designed to rope and other long specimens for tension testing and destructive tensile tests. These machines are designed and manufactured using optimum grade components and modern technology under our experts supervision. The offered Mechanical Extensometer is available in a range of technical specifications to fulfill the needs of our clients. 

Model EM-1

We provide our valued clients Extensometer that consists of two movable frames both pivoted at one end.
    • Measuring Range - 0 to 3mm
    • Least Count - 1/100 mm
    • Guage Length (Adjustable) - 30 to 120 mm
    • Thickness or diameter of specimen - 1 to 40 mm
    • Dimensions - B x D x H - 120 x 50 x 150 mm Approx.
    • Net Weight - 0.3 kg Approx.

Technical Details 

Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
Additional detail
मोबाइल number


शीर्षकहीन दस्तावेज़ : दोनों;}
हमारे क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय


7, प्रिंस गोलम मोहम्मद रोड, लेक मार्केट के पास, पीओ कालीघाट, कोलकाता - 700026
+ 91-33-24660242, + 91-33-24660200


7, दूसरी मंजिल, लक्ष्मीविला ग्रीन्स कॉम्प्लेक्स, हरिदर्शन क्रॉस रोड के पास, नरोदा - काठवाड़ा रोड, न्यू नरोदा, अहमदाबाद - 382330
+ 91-9687808462, + 91-79-35604775


G1, जी के अनन्या, 29/1 (पुराना नंबर: 162), वाई ब्लॉक, तीसरी स्ट्रीट, अन्ना चेन्नई - 600040
+ 91-44-26260142, + 91-44-26260183
कानन प्लाजा, पिरावोम, एर्नाकुलम,
+ 91-9633606855