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Load Cell Based Automatic Brinell Hardness Tester

लोड सेल आधारित स्वचालित ब्रिनेल कठोरता परीक्षक

उत्पाद विवरण:


उत्पाद वर्णन

Load Cell Based Automatic Brinell Hardness Tester

Outfitted with a modern infrastructure, we are providing of a wide array of Load Cell Based Automatic Brinell Hardness Tester, which is made under the guidance of well trained and experienced professionals to ensure the tester quality. Our offered tester is known for their some unique features like easy to use, optimum performance, compact design and rust resistance. Our offered tester is widely used for rock well testing. In addition to that, offered Load Cell Based Automatic Brinell Hardness Tester can be availed by our prestigious customers at market leading prices.


    • Model B 3000-LC
    • Touchscreen Brinell Hardness Tester.Accurate measurement of Brinell Hardness number using image processing technology. Wide testing range - from soft metal upto hardest. High accuracy & repeatability of measurement at all loads. Faster measurement yielding higher productivity. Servo driven linear motion slide for image processing. 


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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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मोबाइल number


शीर्षकहीन दस्तावेज़ : दोनों;}
हमारे क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय


7, प्रिंस गोलम मोहम्मद रोड, लेक मार्केट के पास, पीओ कालीघाट, कोलकाता - 700026
+ 91-33-24660242, + 91-33-24660200


7, दूसरी मंजिल, लक्ष्मीविला ग्रीन्स कॉम्प्लेक्स, हरिदर्शन क्रॉस रोड के पास, नरोदा - काठवाड़ा रोड, न्यू नरोदा, अहमदाबाद - 382330
+ 91-9687808462, + 91-79-35604775


G1, जी के अनन्या, 29/1 (पुराना नंबर: 162), वाई ब्लॉक, तीसरी स्ट्रीट, अन्ना चेन्नई - 600040
+ 91-44-26260142, + 91-44-26260183
कानन प्लाजा, पिरावोम, एर्नाकुलम,
+ 91-9633606855