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Computerized Brinell Image Analysis System

कम्प्यूटरीकृत ब्रिनेल इमेज एनालिसिस सिस्टम

उत्पाद विवरण:


उत्पाद वर्णन

Computerized Brinell Image Analysis System 

Being a well-established organization, we bring forth a qualitative assistance of Computerised Brinell Image Analysis System, which is able to operate independently. Provided tester comes with analog bar graph and is commonly used for measuring the hardness of materials. Our offered tester is highly recognized for their features like robust construction, easy installation and resistant to corrosion. In addition to this, we provide this Computerised Brinell Image Analysis System in different technical specifications at industry leading prices. 


    • Model - B.I.A.S
    • Facility for Auto / Semi Auto / Manual modes of operation. Well managed database saves readings w.r.t. batch and certificate. Report generation in the form of certificate and graph as per customer requirements. Facility for calibration and check of calibration. 


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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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शीर्षकहीन दस्तावेज़ : दोनों;}
हमारे क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय


7, प्रिंस गोलम मोहम्मद रोड, लेक मार्केट के पास, पीओ कालीघाट, कोलकाता - 700026
+ 91-33-24660242, + 91-33-24660200


7, दूसरी मंजिल, लक्ष्मीविला ग्रीन्स कॉम्प्लेक्स, हरिदर्शन क्रॉस रोड के पास, नरोदा - काठवाड़ा रोड, न्यू नरोदा, अहमदाबाद - 382330
+ 91-9687808462, + 91-79-35604775


G1, जी के अनन्या, 29/1 (पुराना नंबर: 162), वाई ब्लॉक, तीसरी स्ट्रीट, अन्ना चेन्नई - 600040
+ 91-44-26260142, + 91-44-26260183
कानन प्लाजा, पिरावोम, एर्नाकुलम,
+ 91-9633606855