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+ 91 9818838774
Advanced Torsion Testing Machine

उन्नत मरोड़ परीक्षण मशीन

उत्पाद विवरण:


उत्पाद वर्णन

Advanced Torsion Testing Machine

We have gained immense reputation in the industry as a leading manufacturer and supplier of excellent range of Advanced Torsion Testing Machine. This testing machine is highly in demand in the automotive industry to measure stiffness torsional strength and stress strain properties of materials and products that are used in torsional loading applications. This testing machine is manufactured by using high quality materials in compliance with industry laid quality standards. This Advanced Torsion Testing Machine is available at a reasonable price 

Model " TWISTO-100

  • Equipped with 100 N-m torque cell which provides higher accuracy of torque. 
  • Self-aligned gripping device for any specimen.
  • PLC based instrumentation to measure.
  • Graphical data output.
  • Safety interlock for overload.

 ब्रोशर डाउनलोड करें

Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
Additional detail
मोबाइल number


शीर्षकहीन दस्तावेज़ : दोनों;}
हमारे क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय


7, प्रिंस गोलम मोहम्मद रोड, लेक मार्केट के पास, पीओ कालीघाट, कोलकाता - 700026
+ 91-33-24660242, + 91-33-24660200


7, दूसरी मंजिल, लक्ष्मीविला ग्रीन्स कॉम्प्लेक्स, हरिदर्शन क्रॉस रोड के पास, नरोदा - काठवाड़ा रोड, न्यू नरोदा, अहमदाबाद - 382330
+ 91-9687808462, + 91-79-35604775


G1, जी के अनन्या, 29/1 (पुराना नंबर: 162), वाई ब्लॉक, तीसरी स्ट्रीट, अन्ना चेन्नई - 600040
+ 91-44-26260142, + 91-44-26260183
कानन प्लाजा, पिरावोम, एर्नाकुलम,
+ 91-9633606855